Mapping the original game

The original Mechfight only gave you a 10x10 tiles view of the map which meant you only had a very small window of the world - most of the rest of the screen was given over to decoration and some basic controls. 

To recreate the original I needed to both get some of the tiles to use, as well as mapping out the general layout so that I could re-create it in Tiled.  I fired up a local copy of WinUAE and started up the game (no easy task - seems that it only runs about 1 time in 10 and WinUAE crashes frequently) and started to take a screen shot of the game every 10 tiles or so and pasted them together in Inkscape to get a really rough map of part of the starting level:

This is a collage of just over 100 separate screen shots (the red thing being repeated all over the place is the player - it appears everywhere since I had to move the player around the map to get the images).

This is just scratching the surface - to the right you can see there is a lot of unexplored map where I ran out of time (I figured by this stage I had enough to be getting on with!) so there is more to come ... this game is larger than I remember!  There are a lot of other things I have not mapped yet - e.g. items, dialog, signs etc.  That will come later.

I now have a good amount of map to replicate in Tiled, and have started to build up a tileset by clipping out the tiles from the original.  It looks like various "props" like chairs and the little green guys that walk around had the black floor tiles as part of their tile (I guess this is why you never saw chairs or people walking around on the grass), but I think I'm going to make those transparent here so I can paste them anywhere I want.

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