Loading Screen Remake

I wanted a nice cover image for here on Itch (and also for Unity), but didn't want to totally re-use the original one as is since this is not the same game per se, but more of a remake. 

So 5 minutes searching public domain image sites and another couple of minutes in paint.net and we have a cover image remake that I think keeps to the spirit of the original. 

I was never entirely sure why the original had you standing next to trees (were there trees in the original game?) or during sunset, and I couldn't find any public domain images with a nice sky and a nice tree in it so the tree has gone!  Sorry!

I was a little conflicted about using high-resolution images as the cover since it kinda suggests that the game is going to be some AAA super-pretty production when really it is pixel art, so I went ahead and pixelated the sky to hint at the nature of the game underneath and be more honest to its roots:

I think I happier with this approach.

Get Mechfight Remake

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